The Little Prince

Der Kleine Prinz

Le Petit Prince

Ri ch'uti'ajpop

Guatemala Guatemala

Maya – Maya – Maya

Kaqchikel - Kaqchikel - Cakchiquel

Title: Ri ch'uti'ajpop
Publisher: Edition Tintenfass
Place: Neckarsteinach, Germany
Year: 2011
Translator: Lolmay Pedro Oscar García Matzar
ISBN No.: 978-3-937467-92-4

Remarks: This book can be found directly at Verlag Tintenfass in Germany.

¡Haaa ch'uti ajpop, eqal, eqal xinwetamaj ri ruyonil ak'aslemal. Ninjoyowaj awäch majun ak'astanib'al, xa xe ok atz'eton ruqajib'al ri q'ij, majun chik nab'än xa xe wi ri'. Re jun na'oj re' xinwetamaj pa rukaj q'ij pa jun nimaq'a' toq xab'ij chwe: Yalan yeqa chi nuwäch ri ruqajib'al ri q'ij.

The Kaqchikel are one of the indigenous Maya peoples of the midwestern high­lands in Guatemala. The Kaqchikel language is spoken today by around 400,000 people.

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